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Moluccan Cockatoo

Moluccan Cockatoo

Moluccan Cockatoo

The Moluccan Cockatoo, hailing from the Seram region of Indonesia, is renowned for its extravagant salmon-pink plumage and high sociability. They are affectionate, intelligent, and known for their dramatic displays of crest feathers.

  • Diet: Balanced diet of high-quality bird pellets, fruits, vegetables, and occasional seeds or nuts.
  • Housing: Large cage or aviary required due to their size. Cage should have plenty of perches and toys.
  • Behavior: Known for their extremely affectionate and needy nature. Can be very loud when unhappy or bored.
  • Lifespan: Can live up to 60-80 years with proper care.
  • Size and Appearance: Around 50 cm (20 inches) in length. Known for their striking salmon-pink feathers and large retractable crest.
  • Training and Enrichment: Highly intelligent and trainable. Require plenty of toys and puzzles for mental stimulation.
  • Social Needs: Extremely social and can develop behavioral issues if they don’t receive enough attention.
  • Vocalization: Very loud, especially when seeking attention or bored.
  • Common Health Issues: Prone to obesity, feather plucking, and psittacosis.
  • Handling and Interactions: Demand a lot of interaction and handling due to their social nature.
  • Breeding and Reproductions: Breeding can be challenging due to their pickiness in choosing a mate.
  • Legal Considerations: Not typically subject to restrictions but verify with local and international laws.

A Moluccan Cockatoo can make a captivating companion, but they require significant commitment, both in terms of time and care. Their intelligence and emotional needs make them suitable for an owner who can provide plenty of interaction, a balanced diet, and mental stimulation. Be prepared for loud vocalizations and an extended lifespan when considering this beautiful bird as a pet.

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