Sign up as a pet events organizer
Do you have a pet related event coming up that you would like to promote?
We would love to have you promote your event here!
Keeping our Trusting Pet customers aware of the events that relate to pets that are going on nationwide is a big part of what we do. So, keep us abreast of your events and post them on our site, We will do our best to get the word out for you.
What's in it for you?
As a Trusted Pet Provider, you will join our growing network of recommended Pet Providers and receive top access to our services.
- Become one of the Pet Providers our Trusted Pet Advisors recommend for services to pet owners in your area.
- Connect with pet owners directly to answer their questions and provide them expert advice.
- Join our Affiliate program and receive commission on every sale you help make.
All pet events organizers must be..
- Trusting Pet Certified
- Customer Certified (minimum 3 customers)
- Honest & Trustworthy
- Able to guarantee their product or service in writing
- Running existing events with at least a year of experience
- Mostly positively reviewed online